Local community support
In addition to the Covid-19 crisis, Thailand also faced severe flooding resulting in damage to households and properties in disaster zones. As several Makro stores were located in the affected zones, it collaborated with the Red Cross Society to expedite emergency bags to the disaster victims in a timely manner. Also after the disaster, many of Makro’s store staff were sent to help the affected small groceries for cleaning and reopening.

The crises and natural disasters that happened in early of the year 2022, Covid-19 and widening flooding in many provinces, are impacting people’s health and their property. The company hand over food, drinking water, and cleaning agents for hygiene to medical personnel against the pandemic and the food, water, and daily shortage of food, drinking water, and life support consuming stuff to the flood victims. Unfortunately, the consequence of the lockdown period caused a blood bank shortage, Makro-TH signed MOU with the Thai Red Cross Society for whole year events for employees and the community to join the blood donation at Makro’s stores
Example of social supporting during the crisis
Makro's join Together to help Flood Victims
2022 Result

Makro's join the Blood Donation
2022 Result