Animal Welfare
Makro is committed to support cage-free egg production, while upholding maximum benefits for its customers, as well as maintaining business competitiveness of our actual egg producers, business partners and professional customers.
We are working in close collaboration with egg producers, business partners and government agencies to improve cage-free egg production, develop egg farmers, educate customers and public, as well as making cage-free eggs readily available as an alternative for customers in all stores by 2025.
Through these approaches, Makro aims to enhance animal welfare while ensuring minimum impact on farmers and professional customers. This will not only give the public access to sustainable and affordable food products but will also enable egg farmers to broaden their knowledge, elevate their quality of life, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth.
Makro request a commitment from our suppliers.
- to minimize the routine application of antibiotics for prophylactic purposes in our animal product.
- not to use genetically modified or cloned animals.
- not to apply growth-promoting substances, such as hormones.
- not to use gestation stalls or a pledge to only produce cage-free eggs
- we assess our animal product supplier (at least once every three year) to ensure their compliance for above.
Remarks: Animal welfare means
- Freedom from hunger and thirst, by ready access to water and a diet to maintain health and vigor.
- Freedom from discomfort, by providing an appropriate environment.
- Freedom from pain, injury and disease, by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
- Freedom to express normal behavior, by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and appropriate company of the animal’s own kind.
- Freedom from fear and distress, by ensuring conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering.